Thursday, February 26, 2009

i just remembered phil hartman is dead.

i was watching a commercial with deep husky movie voice guy (name?) doing his thang and thinking about how different trailer world will be without him.

i think he's dead, but i could be wrong. i also don't know his name (see above), so that makes researching this kind of problematic. regardless, i was thinking about maybe-dead movie-trailer-voice-guy...

then i remembered phil hartman and how much voice-land changed without him. what a voice. what a hair-do. big fan!
please see fan-art below. please.

my phil hartman looks a little like stephen harper. perhaps i can re-use this tribute when he kicks the bucket; ideally this will be sooner rather than later.

it is now lent, people.
40 days of cruddery. i don't even believe in god. i only give up chocolate though, so it's very non-committal. shocking. plus on tuesday (fat tuesday, of course) i ate a cadbury creme egg, some mini eggs, and a drink involving kaluha. i am stocked up on chocolate for a while.
i am considering incorporating a hair shirt into my lenten sacrifices (ah comfort, the greatest of sacrifices to be sure!) i think the whole exercise is just a feeble attempt to re-direct my guilt about regular things. it works surprisingly well if you just let it. just let it happen.

i had a dream i was in the sun the sun the yellow hot hot sun and i was squinting. it was sweet. i could see the freckles on my nose in the corners of my eyes.
i am ready for summer. temperature wise anyhow. everything else? maybe, not-maybe.


Georgia said...

why does everything just look like aaron eckhart to me?

i need help.

Oliver said...

he's totally dead

jen lafreedom said...

aaron eckhart's dead?!?

Georgia said...

no no, you're thinking of heath ledger. he's dead. and he won't let us forget it.

word verification: sulping


jen lafreedom said...

i'd sulp that dead heath ledger.