Monday, June 2, 2008

I'd put my money on mead

Today was an odd day from start-present.
I slept til 1 pm which is the most i've slept in months. Weird.
Sleeping that long gave me some hella-detailed and elaborate dreams, the best of which featured me as a detective in a "Murders in the Rue Morgue"-esque dreamscape a hundred times better than John Grisham ever done wrote. Except I don't think there were any Ourgang-Outangs involved. If you haven't read "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", you really really should:
The picture at the top of this "blog" "entry" is a page from the original manuscript.
Old timey writing. Nice penmanship.
I am a big fan of Edgar Allan Poe. I had kind of forgotten how much Poe i read in high school.
I was a goth; it just made so much sense. But short story, or at least good short story writing, is a real art i reckon. Very hard to do. And Mr. Poe kind of invented detective writing, which i for one am thankful for. He also played as hard as he worked: "On October 7, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe died at the age of forty. The cause of his death is unknown and has been attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents."
So that's something to think about.

I just completed my first EI report online. They sure make you enter in a lot of passcodes and numbers. I am not a huge fan of having have long passcodes with letters and numbers and lower case and upper case and all that jazz either. So hard to remember. I have enough data on my plate.
Does the internet know i'm not a computer too?

I have also been spending a lot of digital time working on my mixed cd for this cd exchange thing.
I don't know most of the people involved, so it's extra pressure because i don't even know what they're up for. I think as a mix it works pretty well though. I spent a great deal of time and fair bit of money at the old Aurora Office today buying assorted labels, pens, and packaging materials for the i just have to make some fancy wrappers and away they go. Pretty exciting.
It also means that i will get a cd in the mail for the next 10 months. Going early on in the cycle leaves me more time to enjoy without the stress of being next in the rota. Like getting batting out of the way early in baseball. I really don't like baseball.

I got a package from my mom today that contained, among other things, several garbage bags. Empty garbage bags.
Not like a package of them- loose ones.
I don't have any idea what she is up to ever.
The package did have dried mangoes in it though. I love mangoes, and the "fresh" mangoes here are deplorable. I mean really just the pits. I was just reminiscing the other day about the winter Burnie worked at the Bonanza and ordered in these Ataulfo mangoes. Oh man. The little yellow ones that aren't stringy at all. That's the money mango:

Ataulfo Mangoes are small, delicately shaped mangoes with a skin that ripens to a golden yellow. The flesh is velvety smooth, with almost no fibrous texture and a wafer-thin pit. Sometimes they are referred to as "champagne" mangoes.

Of course it's now been years since i've seen one of them here.

I am driving to Whitehorse on the 4th and again on the 10th.
June is going to be hectic. It's a good thing i don't have a job.


Anonymous said...

you weren't kidding about bloggin' yellow mangos.

jen lafreedom said...

jokes are for the common.