Friday, May 30, 2008

you made just one mistake, ghostbuster

Check a load of this guy eh?
I thought he was a good intro to my entry.
This is a website about him:
The internet is full of wild and wacky things. I get lost in its web on the daily.
Pun fully fully intended.

It's friday. I only know that because i have to get up early tomorrow and go feed dogs. I know that happens on saturday and ∴ today is friday.
I have a really hard time distinguishing days of the week.
Today was a pretty sweet day though. Drove out to the notEsso to fill up Jill's propane tank and then went up to Crocus Bluff. Really excellent wildflowers are kicking around now.
I am watching Perfect Strangers.
Larry. Balkie.
You bet.

This programme is more confusing than you might remember it being.
I am currently in the process of downloading Newhart episodes as well. I hope they are of a superior quality...not bootlegged bullshit.

I am pretty into ld tv shows. I wish there were more seasons of Twin Peaks though.
Do i ever.

Garden is doing well.
[I'm going to start just calling 'Garden' the way Buster calls the Army 'Army']
I fertilized today despite hippie resistance.

In other news i drank whiskey by the river til 7 am.
C'est fun, c'est cool...


Georgia said...

this blog has a color scheme that might blow the mind of a color blind person who slept in their contacts cuz they knew they were going to be up in four hours anyway and wasn't expecting to get any sleep between one and five due to mosquitoes and strange bear like sounds at the window...good thing we don't know anybody like that. Itching and buzzing are the worst bedtime ecoutremonts. don't care how to spell that.

jen lafreedom said...

were you thinking of any colour blind person in particular?
I heard Paul Newman's colourblind...
but he's probably not near bears very often...

it is a pretty stupid colour scheme even for colour-seers i think