Thursday, May 22, 2008

home on the range

So there's this episode of Twin Peaks (season 2) wherein Billy Zane guest stars and sings.
Unaccompanied and for longer than necessary.
That show is so good at making things awkward. And creepy.
Like the guy on the Greyhound bus from Saskatoon to Edmonton this past January who smelled like onion rings in a very unsexy way and looked as though he just turned his sweatpants around backwards when the knees got too dirty on one side... Awkward and creepy- you dig?
(thank you, fate for making it such that i had to take the bus. Sweet. Just bein' 26 and taking the Greyhound to Edmonton. Don't mind me)

I've been watching a marathon of Twin Peaks tonight and taking assorted opiates, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants in the hopes of quelling a real ass-in-the-face of a headache. It's going pretty well. I also had a bath. I don't ordinarily opt for the bath, or the bathing at all for that matter, but we have a jet tub and movies and t.v. suggest that they are relaxing. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, but i would have to venture that the codeine had more to do with the lessening of pain...
or the Twin Peaks.

Are t.v. show titles even supposed to be italicised?

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