Sunday, May 25, 2008

soylent greenhouse is people

Yaaaa greenhouse.
So my garden patch got tilled between my house and Mike, Erin, and Steve's house/bus next door.
We're going to share the patch for the greater good, which has also resulted in the immense benefit of a newly constructed greenhouse that covers three quarters of the garden thanks to industrious young upstart Steve. There was a bunch of random wood in our yard (as there is all over Dawson. Wood piles of indeterminate age/use/ownership everywhere. Piles and piles, for miles and miles)
and there was a whole lotta free polyethylene (is that the right word?) at the dump, so the project was virtually cost-free.
I am very excited because:
1. things grow better in greenhouses. Mo betta.
2. it will keep the dogs out
3. it will keep the ravens out
4. it will probably keep the hippies out.

Plastic probably won't keep mini-cat out though. Ah, mini-cat.
She's been all up in the outdoors business.
I have to really talk myself out of worrying when she doesn't come in at night, but this the land of the Midnight Sun (that's what the pamphlets say anyhow) and it has been so gorgeous outside that i can't stay in either. Cats and jens live to roam.

Golfed all day turns out i'm really bad at golfing and additionally have no idea which way i golf. I don't mean that in a qualitative sense- i mean left handed or right handed.
Being left handed is confusing times. It's quite clearly the winning hand and i wouldn't switch for anything, but the right handed hegemony (ya, i said hegemony) sort of necessitates comfort with both directions and it gets really confusing. So i play hockey left handed. I bat right handed. I throw with my left hand. I golfed right handed yesterday under the advice of local golf celebrity Will who informed me that a lot of the left handed NHL hockey players golf right handed. I figured, why not me too? I think next time i will try left handed. I bet i'll still suck.
Luckily my friend Chris who came golfing doesn't know which hand he is either- for anything.
He golfed left handed and is going to try right next time. Fun switch!
It's a pretty cool golf course though, excellent views of river/mountain/forest vistas that germans would pay to bottle. I mean, golfing in the Yukon is a pretty ridiculous concept but it's certainly not a bad way to spend a summer saturday.

Certainly a worthy distraction from sad stuff. My mom said on the phone the other day that the Yukon seems like a place that is so prone to tragedy. I don't entirely disagree.

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