Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the time of the season

a few weeks into unemployment.
doesn't feel as leisurely as i initially anticipated, but that is satisfactory.

it is busier and more intense here in the summer than i remember.
some have suggested i feel this resistance to summetime foolery because
i'm getting older. that is true, of course.
everyone's getting older. i just don't think i'm getting more mature.
more intolerant, maybe.

garden patch gets tilled tomorrow.
Steve and i are going to whip up a greenhouse component around the garden too.
for the tomatoes, which are my favourite to eat/smell/grow.
i grow better tomatoes than any other thing i grow, though i do have high hopes
for the brussel sprouts and beans this summer; new editions to my repertoire.

If Nikon ever fixes my bust-ed (sh)camera, i can take garden photos to really flush this
babbling out. For posterity i guess. Ya that's the one.

[i hope i spelled repetoire right. i'm on holiday though, so whooooo cares.]

{i love experimenting wit brackets}

i'm going to go ride some bicycle and listen to some Zombies.

It's the time of the season, afterall.


Georgia said...

who's steve?

and yes! a blog friend. how come you don't write in your other one anymore?

jen lafreedom said...

His bus is parked next door at Mike and Erin's.