Sunday, August 17, 2008

i do not know what it is about you that closes and opens

Maybe i would like to get into the postal industry...i am a big fan of mail.
if you can be a fan of mail.
fan mail?
at any rate, i'd like to be involved in mail somehow. Choosing "Canadian" "Celebrities" to go on stamps would be a good gig. I figure that's the paint namer of the mail biz.
I love the Canadians in Hollywood stamps. Very random choices. Last series had John Candy though. Bam! Canada Post hits the mark.

There is currently an opportunity to be the postmaster (or mistress fuck. if they have to put everything in two languages you'd think they could be gender safe too) in the town of Plum Coulee, Manitoba...
The Town of Plum Coulee was one of the first original settlements established in South Central Manitoba. The town lies on the western edge of the sprawling Red River Valley. The flood plain has some of the most productive clay loam soils on the prairie as a result of numerous prehistoric inundations and Glacial Lake Agassiz. Today the flat prairie landscape surrounding Plum Coulee extends as far as the eye can see with a beautiful patchwork mosaic of green and golden fields. Plum Coulee is just a short drive from the Provincial Capital, Winnipeg. The population of Plum Coulee is approximately 750.
Perhaps this post as aVolume Counter in Sherbrooke. That would probably be very satisfyingly benign. But also in Quebec. So not ideal.
On this day i am arbitrarily irritated by people who self-identify as not eating "red" meat. I put red in quotation marks because the definition shifts depending upon which turd is saying it.
The whole concept smacks of blaming wheat for everything bad ever.
Wheat's not such a bad guy. He's been partying wit us for thousands of years. Don't kick him out now.
Disco dayz wrapping (and rapping; g unit!!! Whitehorse reprazent!) up. I hope perhaps this weekend's visitors can ride hippies home. That would really be like getting two birds stoned.
I almost forgot:

i did not get into a disco dayz fight or get sold into serfdom.
i did however, tip in the mighty klodike river. it is quite the rocky guy.
also cold too. and burling. but in the end altogether pleasant.

Luckily my disgusting bruises gave my Zeus costume a little edge.
And when Zeus and the Ayatollah get together, edges are required.


Georgia said...

Jen. Fuck. Your legs are a GD mess. Arrg.

To be fair, my fingers are a GD mess. Bandaged and taped like some fucking gymnast.

Who is the ayatolla there? I cannot see the face and sadly, am not able to identify the beard. How long have I been gone that I cannot identify peeps by their beards? What day is this?


Remember that movie Happy Gilmore?

jen lafreedom said...

I really like GD mess.
Great phrase.

The Ayatollah is none other than Mr. Rockandrollah himself, Dylan.

I just watched a Happy Madison production last night...have you seen the hot chick? very good.