Sunday, October 4, 2009

now it's getting late

harvest moon tonight.
it is too overcast here to see it; damn.

today was also our first snow of the season-- hence the overcast sky.

october is the flagship of halloween. i don't know what to dress as yet.

ideas include:

(arranged largest to smallest)

No Jacket Required
(Not Phil Collins. Big difference.)


Mac Tonight

So ya. Not too sure yet.

One thing i am sure about though-- i need to get winter boots, stat. In an effort to force myself to act i threw my old ones out. I might just end up wearing shoes with bread bags on them all winter. And that's 'okay'.

Dear media, shut up about super fruit.

Back in the day, the seminal goth rock band Sisters of Mercy made a t-shirt that said "fuck me and marry me young" on it. it is a lyrics from the song "Driven Like the Snow", which is featured on the fabulous album "Floodlands". i have the record.
i have been trying to find it since the internet was invented. if anyone wants to get me the best b-day present ever, steal that shirt from a skinny goth and mail it to me.

Or if you're looking for a gift idea that is less mysterious to acquire but much much more expensive, i want this painting by Kris Knight (weirdly enough he has a painting called "fuck me and marry me young"...hmmm):

i am worth it.

Norwegian crispbreads, German cheese, and Yukon tomatoes-- here's to living in a first world hell!


Georgia said...

$900! I like you, but c'mon. Here are your choices for a present, 1. i will recreate that painting to the best of my ability, 2. i will make you an original piece of my own and call it "fuck me and marry me young". I recommend number 2 as it covers more bases.

Your security word is "topicat", which makes me think of a kitty with a late night show.

Georgia said...

also, kyle went as mac tonight once remember? and also, go as phil collins.