Monday, March 2, 2009

check a load of this guy (gal?)

that's Star Jones after some gastro-intestinal surgery but not all of it. dedicated to molly shore.

have you guys seen this Paranormal State show?
it's on A&E, so if you live somewhere that's not here, you might not have to watch crappy A&E, but i do, so that's how it started. Also, i am pretty into ghosts. More about that later, maybe.
Anyhow, this Paranormal State has just some kind of poor production values. plus, it doesn't make sense and it turns out they're a bunch of university turds and at Penn State no less!
not a fan.
i still haven't quite figured out if they're earnest about the whole thing or not. it is really hard to tell. it might just be a nerd-comedy jam...or another trenchcoat mafia in the making-- seriously-- check these goths out:

off the hook, right?

off the hook is a bad segue.

especially to this next segment [oh that's sort of redeeming-- segue-->segment]:
you know what i am really enjoying a lot lately? Cream of Wheat cereal.
It's weird.
(both the cereal itself and my new-found love for it)
it's kind of like baby food maybe a bit. i do enjoy a good puree. I spent a good deal of time looking at the box today-- it is a riddle wrapped in a racism. really really special.

interestingly enough according to Fox News (credible source), Cream of Wheat man got a headstone in 2007.,2933,282832,00.html

so that's good news. really.

always end on a high note!

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