Tuesday, January 26, 2010

my soldiers stay eternal

I didn't know Tupac was only 25 when he got capped. [That's probably not the preferred term but i couldn't decide between murdered, assassinated, or killed so i went another direction entirely.
it's the best i could do. ]
i learned it in this pbs documentary about the hip and the hop. i thought it was interesting-ish.
a little too women-and-gender-studies for me. no offense. okay, some offense.
that is heavy...for the obvious reason that it's very tragic and young to die and wilfred owen and blah blah blah but mostly because i would've thought he was like 38.
looked way older than 25.
Another celeb gone too soon at the tender age of 25 was the hunk-tacular Brad Renfro, r.i.p.-- too hunky for this reality.
and i am too delirious for this reality.

don't want to not sleep, but time won't let me.

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