Friday, July 11, 2008

the sound of spit in france

hhhhaaaaaacccckkkkkkk puuuuuuuwwwww!

the sound of spit in france, approximately.

do you think if i stayed awake during the entire full-length version of An Inconvenient Truth that maybe just maybe i'll never sleep again?

me too.

the place that i end up better have a dentist, a haberdasher, and at least one real thief.
not like those fake thieves/robbers.
something more classically styled.

did you know i saw a bear swimming in the klondike river yesterday?
first time i ever saw a bear swim in person.
nothing short of magic.
lots of things are nothing short of magic, but not all of those things involve bears, you know.


Georgia said...

two questions:

one: is your blogger dealy all messed up? mine is screwed and i can't post...stupid puter.

two: gimme the fife

speaking of bears, dale and rog saw another one right in the yard last night. so bear count in the last two weeks: 6


p.s. your word verification thingy is tt-shaun, which i feel is a pretty cool black name

jen lafreedom said...

i think it is working.
i was drunk when i did that one, so i don't remember it being different, but...

Fife it up.
I think it's a real bear year. I have seen so many. More than usual. That one in town...they're fixing to take over!!!

soon you're out of there, table for three.